Some lost soul has pleasure to damage people land.
To prevent hours of work be ruined by those idiots please follow those steps to protect it:

Go to World > Parcel Details
Select the Options tab and make sure Build & Object Entry is unticked for Everyone:

If you have multiple region you check all land that are unprotected with the following MySQL query:

SELECT name, landflags FROM where ((landflags & 64) or (landflags & 16) );


When you place an object some time it can be moved by Anyone
Go to Build
Use the Edit tool to select all the objects on your land and make sure none are set to Move:

Here is a list of confirmed Griefer UUI.
Feel free to add it to your ban list.


3 thoughts on “Land grief prevention”

  1. Friday, 29 July 2022 23:40

    Thank you so much for this ... I'm happy to see, someone trying to help the community.

  2. Thursday, 25 August 2022 04:10

    Great tutorial as far as it goes and I was able to follow it as far as getting to the Banned pane, but the Add button is blanked out and there doesn't seem any way to en able it, or, for that matter, add anyone to the banned list.

    1. Thursday, 25 August 2022 04:16

      Never mind, I found a way to add it, by using the Region Info and navigating to the Banned window - Add button highlighted. Hope this helps others who have similar experience to mine.