In this exemple of configuration i'll use:
For the database the user opensim with the password DB_Password. (Chose whatever you want instead)
For the domain name replace by your own.

Dependency installation:
Before installing OpenSim you need Mono, MySQL and unzip.

sudo apt install gnupg ca-certificates
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 3FA7E0328081BFF6A14DA29AA6A19B38D3D831EF
echo "deb stable-focal main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mono-official-stable.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade
sudo apt install mono-complete mysql-server unzip

MySQL configuration:

sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf

Add the following lines before:
!includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/
!includedir /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/

default_storage_engine = InnoDB
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 2G
innodb_log_file_size = 256M
innodb_log_buffer_size = 16M
innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0
innodb_buffer_pool_instances = 2

Restart MySQL:

sudo service mysql restart
sudo mysql_secure_installation -u root -p

Database creation:

sudo mysql
mysql> create database opensim;
mysql> create user opensim identified by 'DB_Password';
mysql> create user 'opensim'@'localhost' identified by 'DB_Password';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON opensim.* TO 'opensim'@'localhost';

Check the opensim account is mysql_native_password and disconnect from MySQL:

mysql> SELECT user,authentication_string,plugin,host FROM mysql.user;
mysql> \q

Download and Extract OpenSim:

cd ~
mkdir ~/HG
unzip -d HG/

Grid configuration:

cd ~/HG/bin
cp Robust.HG.ini.example Robust.HG.ini
cp OpenSim.ini.example OpenSim.ini
cp config-include/GridCommon.ini.example config-include/GridCommon.ini
cp config-include/osslEnable.ini.example config-include/osslEnable.ini

Edit the Robust.HG.ini file

nano -c ~/HG/bin/Robust.HG.ini

Edit the lines 28 - 240 - 620 - 623 - 834
Uncomment 104 - 106 - 111 - 191 - 198 - 731

28		BaseURL = ""

104 OfflineIMServiceConnector = "${Const|PrivatePort}/OpenSim.Addons.OfflineIM.dll:OfflineIMServiceRobustConnector" 106 GroupsServiceConnector = "${Const|PrivatePort}/OpenSim.Addons.Groups.dll:GroupsServiceRobustConnector" 111 UserProfilesServiceConnector = "${Const|PublicPort}/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:UserProfilesConnector" [Hypergrid] 191 HomeURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}" 198 GatekeeperURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}" [DatabaseService] 240 ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=DB_Password;Old Guids=true;SslMode=None;" [GridInfoService] 620 gridname = "NOM DE LE GRID" 623 gridnick = "nom_de_la_grid" [UserAgentService] 731 ShowUserDetailsInHGProfile = True [UserProfilesService] 834 Enabled = true

Launch Robust and make sure there is no errors:

mono ~/HG/bin/Robust.exe -inifile=Robust.HG.ini

In the Robust console create the first user:

R.O.B.U.S.T.# create user
First name [Default]: Ludo
Last name [User]: Davis
Email []:
User ID (enter for random) []:
Model name []:

Quit Robust with the quit command

R.O.B.U.S.T.# quit

Edit the OpenSim.ini file

nano -c ~/HG/bin/OpenSim.ini

Edit the lines: 53 - 1164 - 1179 - 1141 - 1202
Uncomment: 356 - 773 - 778 - 782 - 787 - 795 - 1152 - 1192 - 1276 - 1313
Comment: 1310

53		BaseHostname = ""

356		GenerateMaptiles = true

773		OfflineMessageModule = "Offline Message Module V2"
778		OfflineMessageURL = ${Const|PrivURL}:${Const|PrivatePort}
782		StorageProvider = OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll
787		MuteListModule = MuteListModule
792		ForwardOfflineGroupMessages = true

1141		Enabled = true
1152		Module = "Groups Module V2"
1164		ServicesConnectorModule = "Groups HG Service Connector"
1179		GroupsServerURI = ${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PrivatePort}
1192		MessagingModule = "Groups Messaging Module V2"
1202		MessageOnlineUsersOnly = true

1276		ProfileServiceURL = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"

1310		; Include-Architecture = "config-include/Standalone.ini"
1313		Include-Architecture = "config-include/GridHypergrid.ini"


Edit the GridCommon.ini file

nano -c ~/HG/bin/config-include/GridCommon.ini

Edit the line19
Uncomment 16 - 49
Comment 9

9		; Include-Storage = "config-include/storage/SQLiteStandalone.ini";
16		StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
19		ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=DB_Password;Old Guids=true;SslMode=None;"

49		GatekeeperURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"

Firewall configuration:

sudo ufw allow "OpenSSH"
sudo ufw allow 8002/tcp
sudo ufw allow 9000/tcp
sudo ufw allow 9000:9100/udp
sudo ufw enable

If the server is behind a router:
Create a NAT for ports 8002 in TCP and 9000-9100 TCP/UDP

NAT reflection must be enable.

You need to edit the Region.ini file with the external IP (not the domain name) and internal.

InternalAddress = IP_INTERNE
ExternalHostName = IP_EXTERNE

Create a route:

iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT --dst IP_EXTERNE -p tcp --dport 9000:9100 -j DNAT --to-destination IP_INTERNE
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT --dst IP_EXTERNE -p udp --dport 9000:9100 -j DNAT --to-destination IP_INTERNE

15626 thoughts on “Install OpenSim in Grid mode on Ubuntu 20.04”

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